Alternative Market Types

Alternative Markets Types

Seafood alternative markets come in many forms. They can be used singly or in combination with one another and/or traditional markets. The requirements for each – the amount of time, resources and interactions with consumers, among other attributes – vary. 

Below we define eight types of alternative markets, and provide links to more detailed descriptions of each, including benefits and challenges, key questions to consider, tips and resources.  This information is based on various sources and insights provided by fishermen and buyers who have experience with alternative marketing. We also provide a comparative table – Alternative Markets at a Glance – to help identify differences among market types. 


Handbook for Small and Direct Marketing Farms.
WA State Department of Agriculture.
TAA Shrimp Marketing Opportunities: Direct Marketing. Video. 
University of MN Center for Farm Financial Management. 

Additional permits and other documentation usually are needed to establish an alternative market. Be sure to consult with resource management, public health and business authorities before selling your seafood.

Information provided on this page was synthesized from interviews with fishermen and buyers, and from the Fishermen’s Direct Marketing Manual, the Small Farm and Direct Marketing Handbook, ATTRA publications, and other resources (see About this Website and Resources).