Branding is the use of a name, term, phrase, icon, symbol and/or design to give a product a unique identity that distinguishes it from similar products. Think “Ziplock” for sealable plastic bags, the Michelin Man icon for Michelin tires, and the symbol for Apple computers.
Individual and Group Branding
Branding can extend beyond individual companies and products. For example, some seafood industry, fishing, and community organizations around the country have developed branding for fishery products based on species, product type and/or region (see Resources below). Group branding has the advantage of drawing on diverse ideas, greater resources and a larger social network. However, it also requires that all those who use the brand to market their catch maintain the same standards the brand is intended to represent.
Why Go the Extra Step?
There are several benefits of branding a product and/or business:
- Your logo and name (brand) become easily recognizable to customers.
- A well-developed brand makes a product easy to talk about.
- Branding can lead consumers to buy one product over another (e.g., consumers may look for products branded as “wild caught” or “local").
- A successful brand can set you apart from your competition.
Developing a Seafood Brand
When thinking about how to brand your product or business, consider the strategies below:
- Identify your target audience and what they value in a product
- Use simple, concise wording to promote instant product recognition
- Be memorable, distinctive, and positive; differentiate yourself from competition
- Include a logo to help customers recognize your product quickly and easily
- Convey the attributes of the product such as:
- safe and high quality
- seasonal (if appropriate)
- a truly local seafood experience
- direct connection to the fisherman
**** Simplicity is key to attracting attention and conveying a clear message ****